Halito! Christmas Greetings 2012 from Duane & Laurie Reinhardt
~Pearl River
Mennonite Church ,
Philadelphia , Mississippi ~
2012 started with entrusting Matt , Brittany ,
and Maile into our Savior’s hands as they entered a five month mission term,
this time as a family, with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in the Philippines , Thailand , and Malaysia . It
would have been such a joy to watch 2 year-old Maile being an effective little
missionary for Jesus!
In February, several ladies from our church attended an interesting seminar called “Sister Care,” made possible by Mennonite Women USA and Gulf States Mennonite Women.
In March, our church was
blessed by financial donations and a work team from Wakarusa Missionary
Church (our “home” church
in Indiana )
who put new shingles on the church roof in record time! Greg Birr headed up the
work team, and Cheryl Borowski headed up the meals. They worked so efficiently
that they even had time to repaint some of the interior ceilings and do some
much-needed landscaping. We appreciated their time, willingness to travel so
far, and their hard work! The team brought a box full of new Notre Dame University
football T-shirts which we handed out to our church folks. Duane liked that!
On the last Saturday in
March, we had the privilege of being invited to attend the traditional Choctaw “naming
ceremony” of the grandson of one of our church members; the young man was a
senior in high school, and his family wanted him to be reminded of his native heritage
before graduating and entering adulthood. He was given many very valuable
traditional gifts. This was the first time Laurie had participated in a
traditional Choctaw social dance!
April was a month of
challenges and joys. Duane’s father Dale passed away at age 81 in Goshen , IN after a long
struggle with a severe form of anemia and Alzheimer’s. Doris and Leanne
continue to live in their lovely apartment on the back of the old homestead
(which Brent and Marla bought years ago).
Heather and Dustin enjoyed moving into their first home, located about seven miles from our house here in MS.
Heather and Dustin enjoyed moving into their first home, located about seven miles from our house here in MS.
We were happy to have been
able to spend a week in PA over Mother’s Day. We stayed with Laurie’s parents
Norman & Carole Fiske at their home in New Milford
and also with Laurie’s brother Randy and his wife Rose in Mt. Joy , PA.
It was a joy to reconnect with Glenn and Susanne Cameron in Middletown .
Duane always enjoys taking
the youth from our church to the Gulf States Mennonite Conference youth rally
at Pine Lake Fellowship Camp near Meridian
in May. In June our church youth had a lock-in (during which they stay up all
night, eating and playing games) which they love. For the first time, Duane was
asked to volunteer as summer camp pastor at PLFC
for the 10-12 year olds’ week. He really enjoyed the opportunity!
We were thrilled that Matt,
Britt, and Maile were able to come for a visit with us following their YWAM
mission term. They came during the annual Choctaw Indian Fair and got to see
Duane play Choctaw stickball for the first time in several years; back in 1979-81,
when he was a Mennonite Voluntary Service worker here, Duane (a.k.a. “Running
Deer”) had been the first white man to be asked by the Mississippi Band of
Choctaw Indians to play the game with them. Maile rode the carousel and we all
enjoyed eating Indian tacos (taco toppings on frybread) at the fair. They now
live on Kauai , Hawaii .
July was also a busy month. Expectant
mother Heather enjoyed her first baby shower hosted at a friend’s lovely home
in the area.
Fred and Peggy Lewis |
July 26th was
Laurie’s parents’ 60th wedding anniversary, but her father was
hospitalized at the time.
On Sunday, July 29th,
a 6th grade girls’ ministry from Pott’s Camp Baptist
Church in northern MS
came to spend the morning with our church family. They sang for us,
participated in ice-breaker games with our children and youth, ate lunch with
us, and handed out beautiful new, well-stocked school backpacks to our
children, youth, and college students. What a blessing!
Laurie’s father, Norman
Fiske, passed away on August 4th at age 83 after struggling for many
years with several serious health conditions including cancer, diabetes,
stroke, and most recently kidney dialysis. Laurie’s mother Carole had
faithfully cared for her husband for over 20 years. Now Carole is looking
forward to moving to the busy home of Randy and Rose in Lancaster County !
Our family was very blessed to have had Laurie’s cousin Cheryl Jansson, who
herself was undergoing treatment for cancer, play the piano (including her
beautiful arrangement of “Amazing Grace”) at the funeral. (Note: Cheryl passed
away just before Thanksgiving, which had been a favorite childhood holiday in
the extended Van Housen family.)
Our second grandchild was
born this fall. On Tuesday, September 25th, precious little Emelyn
Skylar Glenn was born to Heather and Dustin! She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was
20 inches long. Laurie was delighted to have been invited to watch the
delivery. We enjoyed sharing the joy of welcoming Eme into our lives with
Dustin’s parents Gary and Susan who were here from Missouri .
We decided we needed to do
something out of the ordinary for our 30th wedding anniversary in
October, so we attended the annual Pine Lake Fellowship Camp Sale in Des Allemands , LA
and spent the rest of the weekend in the Ocean Springs/Biloxi, MS area. We
toured Beauvoir (the estate of Confederate “President” Jefferson Davis), ate at
a restaurant on the bayou, and basked in the sun on a Gulf pier. Relaxing!
It was a joy to spend
Thanksgiving Day with Dustin, Heather, and Emelyn at their new home. Heather is
excited about starting their own family holiday traditions.
Duane continues to be
“bi-vocational” as a fulltime data manager in Meridian as well as the pastor of our small
Choctaw church. Laurie watches Emelyn whenever Heather and Dustin need to work
or study; she also acts as church co-treasurer, co-song leader, and leader of a
women’s small group study.
Pastoring has its joys and
sorrows. Officiating at the funerals of young persons, including three
pre-school-aged siblings who died in a mobile home fire, is a responsibility no
pastor ever gets used to. Counseling troubled spouses is difficult. Learning
that yet another teen couple is pregnant is frustrating. Visiting patients with
chronic illnesses, often addiction-related, can be discouraging. But some of
the joys of ministry included leading two young men to salvation in Christ, discipling/mentoring
a teen boy, introducing contemporary Christian worship songs, helping with a
yard sale our church had in order to raise money for the building fund at our
conference camp, participating in productive church council meetings, sharing in
fellowship meals with our church family, watching the Tribe’s fireworks display
from the church parking lot on the 4th of July, being invited to
birthday parties, and observing spiritual maturity blossom in some of our
church members.
Please remember us in your
prayers in the coming year. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lonely at times in
another culture so far from extended family and old friends. Please consider
visiting us sometime soon!
In Christ,
& Laurie
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