Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Plan

God has called us, and we've chosen to be obedient.

In March, Duane felt like the Holy Spirit was leading him to go to Philadelphia, MS for a reason he did not understand. In obedience, he went and spent time with some of those he had ministered to and with, years ago, when he and Laurie were doing voluntary service through the Mennonite Church on the Pearl River Reservation of the Choctaw Indians.

Duane spent time visiting friends, and on one of his last days there, he was informed that the pastor of the Mennonite Church on the reservation was going to be retiring in the fall of this year, and that there had been plans to ask Duane if he would take over as pastor. He was floored. He had lost his job back in January and had been faithfully looking for work, only to find that a position TOTALLY outside of his realm of experience was what God seemed to be leading him to.

Things progressed, and Duane and Laurie continued to move forward in this very clear calling from the Lord. Since Brittany is now married, she and her husband felt comfortable staying where they are at in Mishawaka, IN. But for Heather, she was planning on staying in Fort Wayne where she was attending college. However, the Lord had a change of plans for her as well, and she has decided to move with her parents, only a week ago. Miracles have taken place in regards to her situation, in that she was accepted into the National Student Exchange program through her college, which will allow her to attend Mississippi State University in Starkville this year for the in-state tuition cost. This will enable her to live at home for this school year and also help minister to the few church youth and young adults, as well as help in leading worship. She is excited about the move, but also a bit hesitant because she is leaving a boyfriend behind, and will be in a place where she knows absolutely no one. This will most definitely be a growing time for her as she learns to lean on the Lord and His will for her life.

So, the plan is that Laurie's last day of work in Elkhart, IN will be on August 12. Classes for Heather at Mississippi State University start on August 17th. And somewhere in between there, we will move and try to get settled.

A short trip is planned for the end of July/beginning of August to attempt to find jobs and also a place to live (most likely an apartment at first). The Lord has continued to be faithful though, and the selling of our house is almost final. In today's economy, you can see that is a direct blessing from God!

Please be in prayer for the Duane, Laurie & Heather as we begin this new adventure. The Lord undoubtedly has huge plans for us as we walk in faith to be used as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Philadelphia, Mississippi.

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